Ages 8-12 years - Broncs learn basic horse handling, saddling and care. Campers care for and ride their own horse and participate in round pen training, day rides and an overnight ride to one of our remote outcamps.............$1650
Top Hands
Ages 12-16 years - Top Hands continue developing skills and receive advanced training while participating in the same programs as the Broncs........................................................................................................................ $1650
Ages 13-16 years - Must successfully complete Top Hands, and have sound horse skills. Wranglers are introduced to mule handling, packing and Leading. Campers go on a two night pack trip where skills are developed for the Adventurers and Leadership programs...................................................................................................... $1850
Ages 14-18 years - Must successfully complete Wranglers or be in the CIT program. This popular six day program brings all the previous skills to bear on an exciting 4 day pack trip. Adventures plan their own route, pack the mules and head out for the ultimate back country experience. A mixture of experienced campers and leaders, many now close friends, share one of the most unique camps onearth!..................................................................... $1950
The Counselor in Training (CIT) and Jr. Staff camp is a 6-day intensive training session required of those wishing to develop their leadership skills and return during the summer camping sessions. Experts are brought in throughout the week to expand horsemanship, outdoor living and leadership skills. After demonstrating willingness to listen, follow through with instruction and work well with the staff and their peers during the week, an evaluation of each candidate will be done on their leadership skills. If accepted into the CIT program, camp session assignments will be made. Participation in this training does not assure you of a CIT position, but assisting in our kitchen will also be an option. A special CIT camp T-shirt, properly equipped fanny pack or saddle bags are required of all participants. It is recommended that all CIT candidates participate in our Adventurers Program. This program will enhance your child's ability to be successful in our leadership program. Go to "Leadership Camp" Link below!
Councilor in Training (CIT's) Ages 13-16 years - CIT's must have completed Wranglers (or be enrolled in Wranglers during the same year). After successfully passing Training, a CIT is assigned to each tent (up to 7 campers) each week of camp. CIT's are scheduled for 1 or more weeks based on their availability as indicated on the Leadership Application
CIT Candidate................$800
Returning CIT.................$500
Junior Staff Ages 16-18 years - Must have at least one year as CIT. Junior Staff lead camp programs and develop horse health skills. Generally assisting in all aspects of camp activity, these highly motivated individuals work closely with paid staff and are eligible to become Trip Leaders and Professional Guides after turning 18. Like CIT's, one of two Jr.Staff is assigned to each camp week based on availability as indicated on the application.

Returning CIT's.............$500

Returning Jr. Staff.........$300
2025 Camp Program Calendar
Camp Program Broncs Top Hands Wranglers Adventurer
June 29 - July 4 Co-ed Open Open NA NA
July 6 - July 11 Co-ed Open Open Open NA
July 13 - July 18 All Girls Open Open NA NA
July 20 - July 25 All Girls Open Open Open NA
July 27 - Aug 1 All Girls Open Open NA NA
Aug 3 - Aug 8 Co-ed NA NA NA Open
Aug 10 - Aug 15 All Girls Open Open NA NA
Aug 17 - Aug 22 Co-ed Open Open Open NA
Aug 24 - Aug 29 Co-ed Open Open NA NA
Legend: Open=Space Available Full=Session Closed NA=Not Available
Contact us to be Wait Listed for Full Sessions.
We are working on adding horses for more space!
Top Hands and Bronc Riders – Participate in an overnight trail ride.
Wranglers – Participate in a two night overnight trail ride.
Adventurers – Participate in a three or four night pack trip.
CIT’S & Jr. STAFF – May assist in any one of the above trips and weekend overnights.
When these trips are in progress, the emergency assistance is any where from 4 to 12 hours away. The 12 hour time is an extreme case where a camper would be injured seriously enough to require enough day light hours for air evacuation. Each trip leader is trained in wilderness first aid, carries first aid supplies, has the GPS coordinates, and will have a cell phone along but may have to ride up to a ridge (1/2 hr to 1 hr) for transmission purposes. Direct contact can be made to emergency assistance. The camp will be notified through the camp office or the Forest Service by way of a radio system operated by the local Forest Service. The parent will be notified through the camp office or director. Sending your camper properly equipped is essential.
The back country trips are all tent camping. Camps are established for the Bronc Riders and Top Hands. The Wranglers and Adventurers will utilize the established camps or set up a camp as needed. The risks on these trips include but not limited to falling, injury from the horse, extreme change in mountain weather conditions.
Our camping program includes instruction to campers on how to prepare and what to expect on their back country experience. If it is determined that a camper is physically unfit, ill, injured, unprepared, has behavior limitations, or skills do not match the program level, parents will be notified or camper will be placed in appropriate program level.
Please note: It is very possible that the week your child attends it will be absolutely lovely weather and that some items we have asked for will not be used. BUT because of the unpredictability of mountain weather, it is essential for YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY and WELL BEING that they are properly prepared for what we not only know, but have actually experienced in the past. Thank you!
Levels & Dates
All campers are assigned there own trail wise horse for their entire stay. Close friendships develop in our non competitive learning environment. Camp weeks run Sunday to Friday each week of the Summer.
First Year Campers - Sign up for Broncs or Top Hands based on age. We recommend two years experience in these programs before moving to Wranglers. Some allowances for prior experience may be considered for advanced placement. Give us a call for advise if you are unsure what level is best for your camper. Adventurers and Leadership programs require certain skills that can only be learned by completing the Wrangler program.