Leadership Programs
Councilor in Training (CIT)
Ages 13-16
We build self confidence and leadership skills in our proven program. After successfully completing the training program CIT's return to lead camp tents during the season.
Junior Staff
Ages 16-18
After a season or two as CIT, qualified participants lead camp activities and assist staff in the outfitter operations preparing to become certified back country guides.
A special Leadership application for CIT and Jr. Staff is located in the "Registration" area. Please print out, fill out and return by the April 1st deadline for a free T-shirt.
If your camper is going to attend the Leadership training and participate as an Adventurer, both the Leadership application and the Camper registration are necessary. Sign up to be an Adventurer with the camper registration forms and send or FAX in with appropriate fee's. Sign up to participate in the Leadership training with the Leadership Application marking the dates available to return with the appropriate fees for the training. Special discounts are available for participation in both Leadership and Adventurers.

The Counselor in Training camp is a 6-day intensive training session required of those wishing to develop their leadership skills and return during the summer camping sessions. Experts are brought in throughout the week to expand horsemanship, outdoor living and leadership skills. After demonstrating willingness to listen, follow through with instruction and work well with the staff and their peers during the week, an evaluation of each candidate will be done on their leadership skills. If accepted into the CIT program, camp session assignments will be made. Participation in this training does not assure you of a CIT position, but assisting in our kitchen will also be an option. A special CIT camp T-shirt, properly equipped fanny pack or saddle bags are required of all participants. It is recommended that all CIT candidates participate in our Adventurer Program. This program will enhance your child's ability to be successful in our leadership program.